
Gyakori kérdések a nyelvvizsgáról


Marking Criteria for Writing

How does the assessment occur?

The Writing subtest is assessed by licensed telc raters. In the case of disagreement, the marks awarded by the second rater are taken in preference. Spot checks are carried out at the telc head office. In such cases the telc rating becomes the final score.

Criterion I: Content

Writing Part 1 (Interactive Task with Guiding Points) Assessment is made on the basis of

  1. The appropriate choice of type of text = formal/semi-formal letter.
  2. the inclusion of three guiding points or two guiding points and another aspect, whereby the points should be referred to in detail and at some length.

Writing Part 2 (Productive Task) Assessment is made on the basis of

  1. the appropriate choice of type of text = informal email.
  2. The completion of the task as a whole, whereby the test taker should provide clear details and at some length.

According to the criterion, the content is

Aappropriate in all respects.5
Bappropriate in most respects.3
Cmostly inappropriate.1
Dcompletely inappropriate.0
Criterion II: Communicative Design

Assessment is based on

  1. the way the text has been organised.
  2. the links between the sentences and between the parts of the text.
  3. the range and variety of language used.
  4. the appropriacy of the register.

The communicative design of the letter is

Aappropriate in all respects.5
Bappropriate in most respects.3
Cmostly inappropriate.1
Dcompletely inappropriate.0

Criterion III: Language

Assessment is based on syntax, morphology and spelling. The letter contains

Ano errors or only one or two errors without affecting the communicative aim of the letter.5
Ba few errors without impairing the reader’s understanding of the letter at one reading.3
Cerrors that make it necessary to read the letter a number of times thus noticeably impairing the reader’s understanding of the communicative aim of the letter1
Dso many errors that the communicative aim of the letter is not fulfilled.0
How does the assessment occur?

Each text is assessed by two licensed telc raters, with quality control carried out at telc’s international headquarters. Each text (Writing, Part 1 and Writing, Part 2) can be awarded a maximum of 15 points. If criterion I and/or criterion III are marked “D”, then the whole text receives zero points. Calculation of the score Each of the writing samples in the subtest Writing are awarded points according to the three criteria: Content, Communicative Design and Language. The points are awarded as follows: A=5 points B=3 points C=1 point D=0 points

The final score for Writing, Part 1 is multiplied by 3 and the final score for Writing, Part 2 is multiplied by 2. Writing, Part 1 is worth a maximum of 45 points and Writing, Part 2 is worth a maximum of 30 points.

Each text is assessed by two licensed telc raters, with quality control carried out at telc’s international headquarters. Each text (Writing, Part 1 and Writing, Part 2) can be awarded a maximum of 15 points. If criterion I and/or criterion III are marked “D”, then the whole text receives zero points. Calculation of the score Each of the writing samples in the subtest Writing are awarded points according to the three criteria: Content, Communicative Design and Language. The points are awarded as follows: A=5 points B=3 points C=1 point D=0 points

The final score for Writing, Part 1 is multiplied by 3 and the final score for Writing, Part 2 is multiplied by 2. Writing, Part 1 is worth a maximum of 45 points and Writing, Part 2 is worth a maximum of 30 points.

Témához kapcsolodó cikkek:

Marking Criteria for Speaking



Gyakori kérdések a nyelvvizsgáról

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