Marking is carried out individually during the examination by each of the two examiners. After the test takers have left the room, the examiners reach a consensus on the marks to be awarded for each test taker.
The test takers’ performance is assessed according to the following four criteria: · Criterion 1: Expression · Criterion 2: Task Management · Criterion 3: Language · Criterion 4: Pronunciation and Intonation
Criterion 1: Expression
Assessment is based on
- A nyelvhasználat (szókincs és funkcionális elemek) megfelel a feladat tartalmának és a vizsgázók közti szerepnek.
- Nyelvi választékosság és sokszínűség.
- Beszédszándék megvalósulása.
Expression is
A | appropriate in all respects. | 7 |
B | appropriate in most respects. | 5 |
C | mostly inappropriate. | 3 |
D | completely inappropriate. | 0 |
Criterion 2: Task Management
Assessment is based on
- A beszélgetésben való részvétel mértéke.
- A stratégiák (diskurzus stratégiák és, ha szükséges, kompenzációs stratégiák)
használata. - A beszéd folyékonysága.
Task Management is
A | appropriate in all respects. | 7 |
B | appropriate in most respects. | 5 |
C | mostly inappropriate. | 3 |
D | completely inappropriate. | 0 |
Criterion 3: Language
Assessment is based on syntax and morphology.
The test taker makes
A | no or very few errors. | 7 |
B | B a number of errors without impairing the communicative aim. | 5 |
C | errors that considerably impair the communicative aim. | 3 |
D | so many errors that communication is (almost) impossible. | 0 |
Criterion 4: Pronunciation and Intonation
Assessment is based on pronunciation and intonation. There are
A | no significant divergences from standard pronunciation and intonation. | 4 |
B | divergences from standard pronunciation and intonation but not adversely affecting communication. | 2 |
C | considerable divergences from standard pronunciation and intonation that impair communication and require extra concentration on the part of the listener | 1 |
D | significant divergences from standard pronunciation and intonation that impair communication to a considerable degree and prevent comprehension at times. | 0 |
How does the assessment occur? During the examination conversation, the examiners independently evaluate the linguistic achievement of the test taker. After the test takers have left the room, the examiners compare their results and reach a consensus. Calculation of the score The test takers can receive a total of 25 points in each part of Speaking, with a maximum total of 75 points. This corresponds to 23% of the highest possible total of 330 points.
Témához kapcsolodó cikkek:
Marking Criteria for Writing