Inclusion of persons with special needs

Candidates with special needs should submit their request for preferential treatment at least 32 days before the exam date. Candidates with blindness or visual impairment 6 months prior to the exam.

Send your request to

Medical and/or other expert certifications, no more than 12 months old, are to be attached to the request.

The professional leader of the Exam Centre is responsible for processing applications and is the contact person for informing candidates with special needs and answering any questions they may have.

Applications are examined, considered and forwarded to telc gGmbH for approval. The Exam Centre will notify the candidate of the granted access arrangements.

The special conditions are only valid for a given examination date. In such cases, care must be taken to ensure that the examination papers are properly prepared (e.g. enlarged version) and that the examination documentation is prepared in the appropriate manner.

Once approved, examination centres are obliged to provide suitable facilities for candidates with special needs.

Depending on the type and degree of disability, the Examination Centre will decide on a case-by-case basis following equal opportunity principles.

Candidates with special needs include those with a permanent disability (e.g. physical disability), dyslexia, hearing impairment, total or partial visual impairment, permanent or temporary disability or temporary disability (e.g. broken limb).

a) Extra time (max. double the normal time limit allowed) for certain task types (e.g. in case of dyslexia or dysgraphia) b) The exam papers are provided in a special format (e.g. larger characters or in Braille) c) The option to listen to the text multiple times during the listening subtest, or have it read by the teacher/examiner (for those with hearing disabilities) d) Special conditions during the exam (e.g. the option to sit in the first row for the listening subtest; the option to be the first examinee taking the oral subtest; the option to be assigned to the first floor or have a separate room for people in wheelchair) e) Individual preferential treatment for examinees having serious speech disorders or serious hearing disabilities f) The option to be assigned to exam locations that can provide amenities such as full accessibility, personal aid or separate room In special cases the Language Exam Accreditation Center is consulted.

Apart from the above access arrangements candidates with disabilities are subject to the same rules as other candidates. The Examination Centre will ensure the best possible conditions for each candidate, within the limits of its possibilities.

Pursuant to Act XXVI of 1998 on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Ensuring their Equal Opportunities and Article 8(2)(f) of Regulation 137/2008, the Examination Centre shall ensure equal opportunities and appropriate conditions for  candidates with disabilities to the best of its ability.

In all cases, examination sites shall consult the Examination Centre on special needs and special examination conditions. The Examination Centre, as a subsidary of telc gGmbH, must comply with the provisions of the German Equal Opportunities Act and the European Union (Directive 2006/54/EC and the General Equal Treatment Act 2006) and act accordingly.

Frequently asked questions
Pursuant to legislations XXVI.1998 and § (2) f) 137/2008. R. 8, the exam center provides the best possible conditions and equal opportunities for persons living with disabilities. All exam sites must consult telc Hungary following the receipt of special needs requests.

Knowledge base

Frequently asked questions about the language exam

Contact us:

Kapcsolati Űrlap